Posts tagged with “stroke”

Target Stroke webcast for Nov 19th



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Stroke Education Day

FSLH and Utica College to Host Stroke Education Day

2011-03-10_175324Wednesday, April 27, 2011 8am to 4pm Hart’s Hill Inn, 135 Clinton Street, Whitesboro.

Physicians, nurses, therapists, students and anyone involved in the healthcare field are welcome to attend Faxton St. Luke’s Healthcare’s (FSLH) and Utica College’s Stroke Education Day.

Speakers include Gregory E. Young, MD, FACEP, associate commissioner and medical director for the New York State Department of Health’s Western Region; Cynthia Bautista, PhD, RN, CNRN, CCNS, ACNS-BC, neuroscience clinical nurse specialist at Yale New Haven Hospital; FSLH’s Kevin Hoehn, PharmD, MBA, CGP, BCPS, clinical pharmacy coordinator; and stroke survivor Mary Rogers.

The event is free for Utica College and FSLH students and employees. All other tickets are $40 per person. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, April 13, 2011. FSLH employees can register through NetLearning. All other reservations can be made by emailing Laura Love at or by calling 315.624.6847.


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NYS Stroke Protocol

In January 2009 Faxton – St. Luke’s HC was designated as a NYS Stroke Center. Please refer to NYS Basic Life Support Protocol M-17 dated 1/05 for information. Any patient having an abnormal (positive) Cincinnati Stroke scale must be transported to a Designated Stroke Center. Exceptions to transporting to a Stroke Center are: cardiac arrest, unmanageable airway, other medical condition that warrants transport to a closer facility, onset of symptoms to arrival at Stroke Center is greater than two hours, under direction of Medical Control. When in doubt contact Resource for direction

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