The Midstate REMSCO meets monthly in Utica and is responsible for the oversight and operations of the Emergency Medical Services System in Oneida, Herkimer and Madison Counties as per Article 30 of New York State Public Health Law. The Council currently has the following voting membership positions available: Membership is open to persons residing in the county they reside in:
Oneida County currently has 2 positions open to persons residing in Oneida County: Madison County has 3 positions to persons residing in Madison County: Herkimer County has 3 positions to persons residing in Herkimer County. Interested parties are required to submit an application and brief resume to the Midstate REMSCO, 14 Foery Drive. Utica NY 13501. Applications and resumes will be presented at the April 27, 2021 meeting. For applications or additional information contact the Midstate REMSCO office at 738-8351 or email