Midstate Update

Region EMS Phone System

  • The new (hospital notification) phone system has been completely integrated, all known “bugs” have been worked out.  If you experience any issues with the system contact the Program Agency.
  • A quick reminder if you need medical control for orders or consultation; start your conversation with “I need medical control” state your name and level and continue your report.
  • Interfacility transfers not going directly to the Emergency Dept. do not require a report to the emergency dept.

Education and Training

  • Our classes are continuing to utilize virtual (on-line) didactic sessions, and small groups for skill training.  Upcoming EMS programs are listed on the Midstate web site.
  • The Vital Signs Academy offers free daily continuing medical education (CME) opportunities. ALS an BLS core and non-core topics are provided virtually. One-hour CME certificates are presented after each session.  The link www.vitalsignsacademy.com/calendar/ can be found at the top of the midstateems.dreamhosters.com web page.
  • On-Line Re-Certification classes for all levels are available for providers refreshing, remember paperwork must be into the state at least 45 days prior to expiration.  Our on-line CME program provides all required core material.


  • Reminder ALS Providers, didactic and skill documentation are required for this year by December 31.
  • CME Managers please review and update any of your provider information, make sure all your providers are listed, expiration dates are correct and skills and didactic are complete.
  • The Bureau of EMS is not currently printing renewal certifications, expiration dates are available on the NYS Health Commerce System (HCS). Agency Managers have access.