Know Someone Who Wants To Become An EMT? Here are some upcoming opportunities!
Sunday Only Daytime Basic EMT Class (original and refresher) will be held as a virtual class that will be taught live, online as a webinar (with a few small group, in person lab sessions held at the Midstate Training Center.). All lectures and lab sessions will be held Sundays from 8:30am-2:30pm. Starts 8/2/2020 and tests 1/21/2021. Melissa Lockwood will be the CIC.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Evening Basic EMT Class (original and refresher) will be held as a virtual class that will be taught live, online as a webinar (with a few small group, in person lab sessions held at the Midstate Training Center.). All lectures and lab sessions will be held Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm-9:30pm. Starts 8/14/2020 and tests 12/17/2020. Chad Smith will be the CIC.
Monday, Thursday and occasional Saturday Daytime Basic EMT Class (original and refresher) will be held as a virtual class with some small group, in person lecture and lab sessions held at the Midstate Training Center. All lectures and lab sessions will be held Mondays and Thursdays from 8:00am-12:30pm/occasional Saturdays 9:00am-1:00pm. Starts 9/10/2020 and tests 1/21/2021. Erik Merrill will be the CIC.
Click on the “Class Listings & Registration” in the upper righthand corner of the websites home page to register. And look back frequently for more fall classes!