EMS Provider Mental Health Study

Dear EMS Providers,

We invite you to complete a 10 – 15 minute survey about your experiences as an EMS/EMT provider. The purpose of this survey is to document the effects of the EMS/EMT response during the COVID crisis in terms of mental health and impact to the profession. Please know that this study has been designed, in part, by two active EMS providers who are dedicated to working to address mental health issues in EMS. You will be asked questions about your experiences as an EMS/EMT provider, mental health, and response to COVID-19. It is not necessary that you have been directly impacted by COVID to participate in this survey. We are interested in responses from all providers.

You can participate in the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V6SFXRJ

Thank you for considering participating. The survey will be open until one month after survey launch. Also, please share this survey with other EMS providers you know. Our goal is to document the effects of mental health issues on the profession, and we need to hear from as many providers as possible to do that. If you have any questions about this research, please feel free to contact us.