ATTENTION ALL AGENCIES: Please Read and Complete

Dear Program Agencies, Council Members and EMS Agency Administrators,

We would like to thank all the agencies that have completed the 2019 BLS Protocol updates and implementation by the December 31st, 2019 deadline.

As outlined in EMS DAL 19-02:

“EMS agencies may adopt the 2019 BLS Protocols after ensuring that all certified personnel have received proper training and education on new skills and procedures. At a minimum, each provider must complete the online 2019 BLS Protocol update that will be provided, free of charge, by the Bureau of EMS utilizing the online learning management system. While the online training will introduce the new protocol format and overview of the changes, it will not provide training on new skills and procedures included in the protocol. EMS agency training officers are encouraged to work with their Agency Medical Director, REMSCO, REMAC and/or Program Agency to facilitate the delivery of supplemental didactic material and skills training.

EMS agencies shall establish a training record to verify training that shall be maintained in the agency personnel file of each provider. After ensuring all certified agency personnel have received training, agencies are required to notify their Regional Program Agency of the date the 2019 BLS Protocols will be implemented. All EMS agencies must complete required training verification and implement the 2019 BLS Protocols no later than December 31, 2019.”

While many agencies have already completed the update, several agencies have requested an extension in order to meet full compliance for the BLS Protocol training.  

The Bureau has determined that extensions may be permitted when a formal application for an extension is requested by an EMS agency and is approved by the Bureau.  The Bureau will review EMS agency requests for an extension on a case by case basis in all regions of New York State. 

All agencies must submit an online protocol compliance form, using the link below, on or before Friday, January 17th, 2020. The form includes a section to request an extension for those agencies who have not completed training or implementation of the 2019 BLS Protocols. The online compliance form is posted on the NYS DOH Website or may be accessed directly at:

Any agency requesting an extension must provide a written plan for agency compliance. Extensions will be considered for up to 120 days from the December 31st, 2019.  No extension will be granted for longer than 120 days. 

Due to the delay in getting the extension application posted online, requests for extensions will be permitted until Friday, January 17th, 2020.  Agencies who have not completed the BLS protocol roll out for all certified providers and have not requested an extension may face disciplinary action for non-compliance. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance during the transition to the new BLS protocols.  Should you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out to your area Bureau of EMS District Chief or Deputy Chief of Education, Jean Taylor. 

Steven P. Dziura Jr. Deputy Director, NYS DOH BEMSAT