Patient Turn-Over Documentation Requirements
In the last quarter of 2018, electronic charting software companies that service our region started adding ePCR’s to the Hospital Hub. The Hospital Hub is a data-web portal that allows our regional hospitals to go in and extract your ePCR’s themselves instead of the agencies having to email/fax a copy to the hospital. By the end of the first quarter of 2019 most, if not all ePCR platforms used in our region will be sending to the Hospital Hub. This means you will simply need to complete your electronic chart and it will automatically be accessible by the hospital. No other steps will be required by your agency to assure the hospital has access to a copy.
The Midstate REMAC Chair, Dr. DeTraglia, stated at the December 2018 REMAC meeting (and reiterated at the January 2019 REMSCO meeting) that state policy does require you to complete your PCR immediately after turning your patient over at the facility. Unfortunately, we all experience higher than normal call volume from time to time and there may be a slight delay in the completion of that ePCR. If that is the case, Dr. DeTraglia has stated that you are then required to leave a Midstate Drop-Sheet for that patient BEFORE you leave the facility. So ultimately, if you cannot finish the chart before you leave you MUST leave a completed drop-sheet. The patient cannot be turned over and the crew leave the hospital without one or the other being done.
The Midstate Drop-Sheets can be found on the Midstate website under FORMS or by clicking on the link below: