December Newsletter

Faxton St. Luke’s EMS Program Agency Midstate REMSCO


As the year ends and we begin 2019 this is a good time to check your expiration dates.  Every week we get calls from Agencies and Providers that are about to expire or have expired certifications asking what can be done?  Agency Directors check your ALSFR and Ambulance certificates, is it due soon?  Agency CME Officers check your member files, do you have current CPR and Certifications for all your providers?

NYS Critical Care to Paramedic Bridge

Nothing new to report on this, awaiting notification from Bureau of EMS, registration is expected in Jan with the program to kick off in February.

Advanced Standing (CC to Paramedic) Class

We are pleased to announce a return of the popular Critical Care to Paramedic class.  Joe Taylor and Tony Salce will start this on June 6 at the EMS Training Center on Mondays and Thursday evenings.  This program is scheduled to complete in March.  Registration is now open on-line.

2nd Semester Requirements

We are completing the 2nd semester of 2018 Providers are reminded to complete the Midstate regional   skills and continuing education requirements. Agency CME managers are reminded to update your Agencies on-line primary members

EMSCharts Agencies

emsCharts is working with the Bureau of EMS to work out a few “bugs” in the translon from NEMSI II to NEMIS III. This is expected to wrap up in the next few weeks and these agencies will move to the NEMSIS III platform.

December EMS Events 

AHA Healthcare Provider CPR        Dec 3 and 17       6PM                        EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

AHA PALS Refresher                          Dec 4                     8AM                       EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

AHA ACLS Original                             Dec 11 and 12     8AM                        EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

Practical Skills Evaluator                   Dec 13                  6PM                        EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

Midstate REMAC                                Dec 18                   7PM                        EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica