Midstate Minute – November

Faxton St. Luke’s EMS Program Agency                                  Midstate REMSCO  

 Opioid Overdose Program

The opioid crisis continues to soar, as the front line in this on-going situation EMS is monitoring pre-hospital overdose treatment. Resource is tracking regional overdose care, during your hospital report be indicating to Resource “this is / maybe an opioid overdose” so that we can capture all the data.

Patient refusals/sign offs after administration of Narcan should also be reported to Resource

 ‘Tis The Season

Flu season has begun.  Please remember to wash your hands frequently and if possible, get yourself a flu shot.  It’s predicted to be another bad flu season, protect yourself!!  Also, as the weather cools, remember to keep a few extra blankets available in your ambulance.  We may be dressed in layers, but our patients frequently are not.

Stroke Training

Thursday November 29, 2018 6PM at the EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica.  Drs. Brehaut and Reddy will present case studies, discuss and demonstrate the FAST ED stroke assessment scale.  1.5 hours of non-core CME will be available to participating providers.  Register at remsco@midstateems.dreamhosters.com

NYS Critical Care to Paramedic Bridge

NYS Bureau of EMS has announced registration for this program will begin January 2019 the program is scheduled to start in February 2019 and should be 14 months to complete.  The cost on the program is $1500 more details as soon as we get them.

 Practical Skills Exam Evaluator Class

Faxton St. Luke’s Education has developed a new Practical Skills Exam evaluator class.  This program will provide you with the background material and process to evaluate EMS students during the Practical Exam.  The program will be offered on two different days (attendance is only required at one) Sunday November 18 at noon or Wednesday November 21 at 6:30. Register on the midstateems.dreamhosters.com web site under education / class registration.

Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator

The NYS Bureau of EMS and EMS for Children plan to establish a state team to implement a “Pediatric Prepared” program that will include: development of pediatric protocols, promote pediatric continuing education opportunities, ensure availability of pediatric medication supplies and equipment, and oversee research and process improvement programs.

 November EMS Events

 AHA Healthcare Provider CPR        Nov 6 and 20       6PM                       EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

AHA PALS Original                              Nov 13, 14            8AM                       EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

AHA ACLS Refresher                          Nov 15                   8AM                       EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

Madison Co EMS Directors                Nov 14                   7PM                       Wampsville EOC

Faxton St Luke’s Evaluator Class     Nov 18                   noon                      EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica

Faxton St Luke’s Evaluator Class    Nov 21                   630PM                   EMS Office 14 Foery Drive Utica

Stroke Education                                Nov 29                   630PM                   EMS Training Center 14 Foery Drive Utica