First Responder Training on Field Response to Suspected Synthetic Opioid Threats

Date:   Monday – July 16, 2018              Time:   18:30 – 20:30  

Maynard Fire Department Sta. #1 9500 Maynard Drive Marcy, NY 13403

Course Objectives

Provide first responder partners with critical information to evaluate, triage, and safely decontaminate equipment and personnel in contact with unknown substances suspected of containing synthetic opioids.

Course Trainer

Alan Antenucci, All Hazards Training Coordinator from the Biodefense and Chemical Terrorism Laboratories of the New York State Department of Health Wadsworth Center.

Course Outline

Overview of natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic opioids.

Overview of the synthetic opioid family.

Field Response-

Risks associated with opioid threats

Response planning

Scene assessment

Victim triage

Victim, responder an equipment decontamination

All students must pre-register to – so we can have a head count.  Any EMS providers will also be able to get two hours CMEs.  See attached flyer.  Thank you.