2017 Midstate Communication Specialist of the Year
Have you ever called 911? Public Safety Tele-Communicators can be very brisk and direct. They are the first, first response and literally a life line. They are asked to handle pressure from frantic 911 callers, a multitude of responders as well as their bosses
Well tonight we are recognizing a gentleman that has literally been on all three sides. Dispatcher, responder and supervisor. If anyone knows pressure it has to be our 2017 Midstate Communications specialist. His emergency service career started 20 years ago with a volunteer fire dept and shortly thereafter as a volunteer with an ambulance service, he started part time dispatching in 2002 and was soon brought on full time the next year. Today he is a Public Safety Telecommunications Supervisor.
There are many calls providers refer to say nuisance calls, Not our award recipients every call every time handled with professionalism and dedication…EVERY TIME! This year we recognize Herkimer County Tele-Communicator, John Raymond.

John Raymond Midstate 2017 Communication Specialist of the Year