2017 Deb Hart Award

For those that didn’t know Deb Hart, she was an early Midstate Director and, along with a few others, helped create the Midstate Region.  Inspiring cooperation and tirelessly worked to improve our EMS System, she stood for all that is good about EMS in the Midstate Region.

Deb was a dedicated volunteer at Central Oneida County which kind of makes this year’s award even more special.

OK let me set the stage:

  • Postage stamps are 15 cents
  • Johnny Carson is on the Tonight Show
  • Post It notes are introduced
  • The Coneheads are on Saturday Night Live
  • Lavern and Shirley and Happy Days are ion tv
  • The first “test tube baby” is born
  • And this years Hart Award recipient becomes a member of COVAC!

The year was 1978.  This is extra special because I know for the first time we are presenting this award to a person that actually did EMS calls with Deb.  A LOT of calls with Deb!

One of the very first Midstate Paramedic’s, a mentor, partner and consistent supporter of EMS please first Thank and help me welcome 40 years or EMS service to our community George Nassar.