2017 Educator of Excellence Award
So what does it take to be a  educator? I believe we would all agree it takes knowledge, probably we would all agree it takes the ability to do it, SKILLS, and what separates a good instructor from a routine instructor we believe is passion patience and perseverance. Tonight we are recognizing just that type of person. His style of teaching is his own something he created watching and learning from others.
We in Midstate are extremely proud of all our programs First Responder to Paramedic, it is a tribute to our educators that we provide the level of service we enjoy here. One program stands out and it is a relatively new program. Midstate was one of the first in NY State to embrace it, that is our Opiate Overdose Program. With a little push from tonight’s instructor we have trained literally thousands of providers in the use of naloxone in opiate overdose situations.
It is hard to even measure the magnitude of his impact on the community with hundreds perhaps thousands instructed in CPR and now Naloxone administration our communities are safer, and families are complete.
Please take the time to thank and congratulate Chris Flemming as Midstate’s Educator of Excellence

2017 Midstate Educator of Excellence Chris Fleming