2016 Hart Award Winner, Anthony Pagliaro
For those that didn’t know Deb Hart, she, along with a few others, helped create the Midstate Region and was one of the early Midstate Director’s. She inspired cooperation and tirelessly worked to improve out EMS System. She stood for all that was good about EMS and the Midstate Region.
This award is a regional award given to a provider, agency or organization that represents all that is good about EMS and Midstate specifically. In the past, this award has been given to groups of people that worked together to save a life, civilians that have made a difference EMS, and EMS team members that have left a mark on the Midstate Region. This year we recognize a provider that has been a rock, a positive influence and a guiding light through unbelievable hardships.
Like Deb herself, this years award winner has faced one hurdle after another. Also like Deb, he has never given up, never throw in the towel. Instead, he has a way of just facing each hurdle as they came to him, always looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ask around and you will find that not one, single bad word has ever been said about this person. Not one complaint or issue. He always finds the good in others and in turn, people seem to the good in him. No one in the history of Midstate has enjoyed a reputation as good as this years Hart Award winner.
He started out as a volunteer fire fighter, becoming an EMT and then a paramedic. Our Hart Award winner is also a respected EMS leader in our region. This award truly is Midstate’s best of the best. He has become an inspiration to our entire EMS community, please congratulate this year’s Hart Award recipient, Anthony Pagliaro.