MidState Agency of the Year 2016

Agency of the Year 2016: Rome Fire Department
The MidState Region is made up of 116 EMS Agencies, covering 3 counties and over 350,000 residents. Our regional EMS system is a tiered response system, utilizing every level of EMS care. This includes first responders, advanced level responders, basic and advanced ambulances. Our region responds to nearly 50,000 calls every year.
This year we are recognizing an agency that is the model of collaboration, working hand in hand with their ambulance and law enforcement agencies. They could be described as “gentle giants” in EMS. With nearly 75 sq miles, over 5,000 responses and an area that includes a very busy downtown to a very rural outer district. It is one of the busiest in our region.
Years ago, they were among the first in the region to offer AED and these days were one of the first to carry narcan and were the first to administer it.
How do you measure the impact this agency has had on their community? Patients, families and friends are all great fuel that the department takes EMS so seriously by offering every treatment modality offered to them.
This “gentle giant” is very seldom heard of at the regional level. Their 33,000 residents know they can count on them in every and any type of emergency. They offer public education, bike patrol and specialized rescue operations. And these are only a few of the additional operations offered by this “Agency of the Year”.
In 1819 a few community members got together and created a volunteer fire company that has become that has become a model EMS agency that consistently provides efficient first response medical care to their community.
Please congratulate Rome Fire Department and it’s 85 members, as this years Agency of the Year.