Thankful for What?

Well that all depends on which side of the provider/ patient relationship you have found yourself this past year.  For the almost 40,000 patients, their families, and friends the answer is the system. How fortunate they were that dialing three digits would bring them a small army of trained professional EMS providers in a matter of minutes. The public doesn’t often think about us until they are having a really bad day.  Yet, as  unsung heroes, we stay ready to provide a service that our healthcare partners charge a lot more for.

For those of us on this side of the relationship we need to be thankful for our calling. How many other professionals take their responsibilities as seriously as EMS people? How many other professionals put as much time, effort, and training for little or no pay?  Being in EMS is a calling and we need to be thankful for having the ability to answer this calling.

On behalf of Midstate Program Agency have a great Thanksgiving day with your friends and family. If you’re on the schedule that day then be thankful for the sacrifice, love, and support of those friends and family.

Stay safe and God Bless.