CEVO Ambulance Train the Trainer Class


CEVO 3â„¢ Ambulance Train the Trainer Class

Tuesday, March 26th 2013 at NAVAC- 603 North Main St. North Syracuse NY-hosted by NAVAC and Syracuse University EMS

This is open to all Ambulance Corps and Fire Companies and it is on a first come basis as seating is limited. The Program will go from 9:00am to approx 3:30pm.

The CEVO Ambulance 3™ is available. The course has also been presented around the United States and has received many positive comments from those that have taken it… It is approx. 6 hours in length and those that take the course are given certificates and able to instruct the course at their facility.


If you are interested in this Train the Trainer please call or email me for price as well as special requirements that may be in effect to attend. The cost will include a Full Instructor Kit, Certificate of Train the Trainer Completion, computer scored test and CEVO patch. Additional attendees from the same organization who attend will pay lesser cost but not get the Full Instructor Kit


Please call or e-mail me of you have any questions or if you need any additional information.

Vince Bellino Ph.D., Regional Director

Coaching Systems LLC

914 474 7848

VB@Coachingsystems.com or CoachingLLC@aol.com