As of January 2013 the Rapid Recertification Program for all ALS Providers has been temporarily suspended. In lieu of that program Midstate EMS will provide the Online CME Program once a month starting January 2013. We will be scheduling on site sign-up days starting January 6, 2013. These sign-up locations will be centralized to accommodate each county in the Midstate Region and the local agencies in that area. Being cost affective for 2013, the standard refresher classes are limited for the year. Please check your certifications’ expiration date to give yourself ample time to recertify.
As part of the sign up process you will need to make sure you and your agency are enrolled in the CME Program with the NYS DOH. Also, you must be an active provider in the Midstate Region. If you have any questions about this you can ask your CME Manager or the person in charge of the training at your department. For January’s class you must expire on or after March 2013 to be enrolled. You will also be required to attend 2 classes, the day you sign up and the ending date.
If your agency would like to host one of the sign-up days please contact Bill at 315-624-4539 to be put on our list. Each month we will try to come to different locations to give everyone the opportunity to become enrolled in the program.
Below are the January sign-up locations, dates and times. These will be open forums and you will not be required to sign up if you would like to come and get some information on the program first. We hope to see you all there!
For a preview of how the program will work click this link.
January 6, Camden Fire Department, 6pm
January 7, Verona Fire Department, 7pm
January 8, New Hartford Fire Department, 7pm
January 9, Old Forge Fire Department, 7pm
January 10, Greater Lenox Ambulance Service, 7pm
January 11, M.O.V.A.C., 7pm
January 12, Hamilton Fire Department, 12pm
January 13, C.O.C.V.A.C, 12pm