Water Safety Class

"Didja ever wanna learn about water rescue ? How about from a water expert, say an OTTER? That’s right, the award-winning water rescue team the Oriskany Tactical Technical Emergency Rescue Swimmers will be our guest instructors for our EMS Week class of the FSLHC Pediatric Kids Care lecture series! Meet us in the Bennett Street Lobby of the Faxton campus at 6pm on Wednesday, May 23rd, and Bring Your Swimsuit! We will be learning safety measures regarding swift water rescue as well as using the rehab center’s pool for demos that combine EMS training AND American Red Cross Lifeguard techniques for emergency pool extrication and lifesaving skills.  It’s going to be…..wait for it….a HUGE SPLASH! Register at www.midstateems.dreamhosters.com and we’ll see you there, Wednesday night, May 23rd from 6-9 pm. 3 BLS non-core CME hours will be awarded to all EMS participants."