Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corp’s 2nd annual international EMS competition.

From: Shawn Cathcart

”My name is Shawn Cathcart and I am the coordinator for the Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corp’s 2nd annual international EMS competition. We are currently soliciting for ALS/BLS teams, judges and patients. This is truly an amazing event and would love  to see representatives from your region. The first place overall team receives airfare, hotel and entrance fees to compete in a similar EMS competition in either Nebraska or Daytona Beach Florida.

I have attached this year’s flyer and link to the competition website. We are excited to welcome teams from Miami, Boca Raton, Daytona Beach, FDNY, Nebraska and many local teams from the central New York area.

I would like to respectfully request that you forward this information to your Ambulance, First response squads and fire departments in your region.

Please forward any and all questions my way!  Thank you so very much

Shawn Cathcart
Competition Coordinator
(315) 532-2538
