Article 30 Section 3003 of Public Health Law charges the Midstate Regional Emergency Services Council of Madison, Oneida and Herkimer Counties (Midstate REMSCO) to make determinations of public need for the establishment of additional emergency medical services and ambulance services.
Public Need is defined in the law as: The demonstrated absence, reduced availability or an inadequate level of care in ambulance or emergency medical services available to a geographical area which is not readily correctable through the reallocation or improvement of existing resources.
The Midstate REMSCO has scheduled a public hearing where they will hear witness, receive written statements, ask questions and accept testimony in any form that will lend credibility to the hearing and ultimate determination of public need for the City of Utica to provide an ambulance service.
Any written comments must be received no later than January 23, 2009 and should be addressed to the:
Midstate REMSCO Ambulance Committee 2521 Sunset Ave. Utica, NY 13502
The Public Hearing shall be held at the:
Radisson Hotel 200 Genesee St. Utica, NY 13502 January 27, 2009 7PM
A copy of the City of Utica application to provide ambulance service is available for inspection Monday through Friday 9AM – 4PM at the Midstate Offices.